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What Is a Visa?

A visa is a type of travelling document that grants you temporary entry into another nation. Most of the time, you must apply online, at an embassy, or at a consulate to obtain a visa before traveling. A visa may occasionally be obtained upon arrival. Typically, visas specify the length of stay and are attached to your passport.

In our computations, we take into account the following visa or admission requirements:

When computing visa or admission requirements, it’s essential to consider various factors to ensure accuracy and compliance with immigration laws and regulations.

Here are some key considerations typically taken into account:

  1. Purpose of Travel: Determine the primary purpose of the traveller‘s visit, whether it’s for tourism, business, work, study, family visit, or other reasons. Different visa categories exist to accommodate various purposes of travel, each with its own set of requirements.

  2. Destination Country: Understand the specific visa or admission requirements of the destination country or country. Visa regulations vary widely among countries and can include factors such as visa types, eligibility criteria, application procedures, documentation requirements, and processing times.

  3. Traveller’s Nationality: Consider the traveller’s nationality or citizenship, as visa requirements often differ based on the traveller’s country of origin. Some countries have visa exemption agreements or visa waiver programs with certain destinations, allowing travellers to enter for short visits without obtaining a visa in advance.

  4. Length of Stay: Determine the intended duration of the traveller’s stay in the destination country. Visa requirements may vary based on the length of stay, with short-term visas typically issued for tourist or business visits and long-term visas for purposes such as work, study, or residency.

  5. Type of Visa: Identify the specific type of visa required based on the traveller’s purpose of travel and intended activities in the destination country. Common visa types include tourist visas, business visas, work visas, student visas, transit visas, and residency visas, each with its own eligibility criteria and application process.

    By taking into account these visa or admission requirements and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, travellers can effectively plan and prepare for their journeys with confidence and peace of mind.


Travel without a Visa.

The DSS is multiplied by 1 if a country’s passport holders are exempt from the need for a visa.

move to First World Countries

Visa obtained upon arrival.

 The DSS is multiplied by 0.8 for destination nations that demand an electronic visa (e-Visa) upon arrival. 

Travel Authorisation by Electronic Means.

 If passport holders are able to receive an electronic travel authority (ETA), the DSS is also multiplied by 1.

Visa Duration and Validity

  • Quick stay: The duration of a short-stay visa might range from a few days to several months. This kind of visa is typically granted for travel, business, or other transient objectives, such as seeing relatives or getting medical care.
  • Extended Stay: Months or years may pass before a long-stay visa is granted. Long-stay visas are another name for residency permits at times.
  • Only One Entry: A single-entry visa, as the name implies, only permits one entry into the nation or region. No matter how many days you have left, once you leave, you cannot come back.
  • Several Entries: As long as the visa is valid, you are allowed repeated entries into a nation or region with a multiple-entry visa.

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